Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jonathan : the stray she-dog!

Earlier on, during summer breaks, i was the kind of person who enjoyed following a strict fitness routine. Of course, these days, laziness supercedes my any other past interests and hobbies but however,

During my last few years in college, summers were a pleasant chilled out time. This one summer in the early 20hundreds brings smiles to the memory of a special few weeks wherein i encountered a stray dog on the streets of Mumbai...

It's common to all or most who know me personally. I like dogs. Basically domesticated pets. I grew up in a household that at one point of time sheltered 3 in-house born generations of love birds (yeah, we saw them hatch and grow into lovely pretty things!), 2 parrots, 1 baby squirrel (who had fallen out of a tree and lost it's mum), a dog (found on the street).
It's thus pretty ok to assume that we were an animal loving family.

Ok, so this one summer, i decided to start going for daily early morning runs. And i actually stuck by that decision. Today though, waking up anytime "early" is a major war like struggle for me. However, that summer....

I woke up! At 15 minutes to 6 am. Everyday! phew!
Armed with a portable music player and my walking shoes (i landed up walking , not jogging), i started out. I chose a 2 kn stretch close to home that was a route by the sea. Aaah..scenic it could be but i was too sleepy to bother.

It's during one of the first few "runs" during these summer mornings that i first spotted her. A brown, not-yet-fully-grown adult dog, with eyes that boasted of true innocence. She seemed unlike the other strays on the street. She seemed friendly and hungry but more childlike than not. Human childlike if i may.

I observed her cause i couldn't help not. She strutted around, trying to get people to come up to her, play with her, anything. Nothing. Usual it is for people to just walk past actually. Probably cause the fear of the stray biting you keeps you from really showing what you think "that the dog is cute of course!".

I swore to bring her some food from the next day on...
Comes day 2. I wake. I get my music gear and walking gear, sorry running gear, i pack in some biscuits for the stray browny and i head out.

I find her sitting around at the same spot as the day before. I walk up to her. She gets up, wags her tail and her face and eyes show-off the sweetest welcome i've ever got! I put some biscuits on the ground next to her. She smartly and confidently walks upto it and starts devouring them. The satisfaction got from seeing the glee in her face was indescribable.
It soon became a routine for me.

Going for a walk with a "doggy-bag" for my pet stray. I named her Jonathan. Why? Cause she felt like a Jonathan! Any dog lover or owner would tell you that they sometimes just get the urge to name their dog a certain something irrespective of whether it makes sense or not!

Jonathan seemed to look forward to seeing me walking toward her from a distance. I looked forward to seeing her eye light up and her tail wag everytime i neared her.
Of course, i did play with the idea of bringing her home, but i couldn't. I already had a dog who would fight with a new dog entering it's territory.
Summer was good. Every evening i parceled newer types of treats for Jonathan's breakfast.
Regular walkers and joggers smiled when they saw the scene play out everyday. A few came up to me to say they admired what i did. But did i admire it myself? Not at all! Jonathan was a dog. A sweet stray dog. She caught my eye and attention and i gave her what i could although, the reality in the number of loving and friendly dogs out on the streets are haunting. It takes alot more to really make a difference. I didn't make any difference as such. Just maybe only to Jonathan's life.

Summer eventually rolled into monsoon. College started. Rains started, the early morning ventures stopped.

I thought of Jonathan often through the year. I wonder if she's still around and if she'd remember me if i happened to chance upon her sitting by the sea...

I never ended up taking a picture of her, that's the only regret. But, she remains in any case in my memory. Always will i guess.

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