Monday, May 25, 2009

Bride wars / Crossing Over

Bride Wars:

New hollywood chick-flick! I only bought home the dvd to watch cause i like Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway cause of their decently good acting skills and having them in a movie together made it a must-buy for me, personally.

A saturday afternoon with a movie like this is a well spent day.
Not that the movie was superb or anything, just that, it was a relaxed afternoon watch. One of the kinds wherein you could just let go of the steam of the work week and sit back and relax. The movie is a relaxation! Good point 1!

Story line wise: fairly better than an average ok. The story is about 2 best friends or bff's who accidentally have their weddings on the same day. Of course, any girl would know, you cannot share your wedding day with even your "bestest" of friends and so the story plays out about how the girls start their hidden bitchiness among each other and play fabulously mean pranks on one another till the end. A girly girl would probably understand the depth of the meanness felt in each scene thereafter. It's an unspoken myth; cheese a girl off, even if it's your best friend , and you're doomed till you're brought down or someone says sorry.
They do make up, of course, it's a movie, they have to. This is one of the movies wherein the ending is quite a smile creator. It actually made me wonder if there would be a sequel to this movie...especially since the movie ends with the best friends telling each other that their unborn babies are scheduled to be born on the same day! So well, maybe, perhaps, there could be another sequel to this!

The LOL scene worth remembering: In one of the prank attempts, Liv (played by Kate Hudson) switches the color tone can at the Tanning centre where Emma (Anne Hathaway) goes to get a pre-wedding glow. She comes out with a deep orange hue and is then seeing walking down a busy NY street painted orange. All over. Trying to keep a straight face.

The only negative point in this flick is the hair style maintained by Liv (Kate Hudson), the straightened-blow dried falling-all-over the face blonde hair does not compliment Hudons's filled out face in any way. It makes her look more like a grownup puppy than a famous actress, but anyway.

Overall: watch it if you want to spend a relaxed hour and half. If you have a bff, watch it with her/him!
And vouch to never get married on the same day as your best bud!

Crossing over:
Sunday needed a movie that wasn't a fun watch. "Crossing over" made the top of list. This movie about immigrants and their life and problems faced while living and hoping to get residence status in America wasn't a good overall flick. The story has been depicted a million times over already and further, the constant parallel running of different immigrants and their stories seemed like a market sale.
It felt like the screenwriter or director was hoping to get emotions out of his viewers, however, the movie itself played on till the end with a blank thought from the critic. Immigration and immigrant stories did well in the 80's and past before, don't think they would do too well anymore unless there's a real story in the loop.
"Crossing over" could have been a great movie if the scenes were shot with greater authenticity rather than an everyday life sequence. The actors didn't even seem too involved in the parts they played. Harrison Ford for instance just bore a cold expression or so it seemed throughout the running.Overall, if you missed watching it, you're not missing out on much. Although the film has an impressive ranging star cast, the story is just another movie made. Which is now almost already forgotten, a meagre less than 24 hrs later.

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