Thursday, February 5, 2009

Valentine's Day Special

Valentine’s Day Special: written on (Feb.14.2008)
-- by P.S.

So here it came, creeped up on me, the 14th of Feb. Valentine’s Day, the 1 day that’s set aside for the celebration of love. If not grandly at least simply.

But this year I was single. Not that it matters… I mean, there are lots of kinds of love, but yet, the most sweetest and special V-Day for me was the one this year.

As is so common in India, we have a little sweet lady coming in everyday to help out with the cooking and everyday household chores. .. She’s been doing this for us since at least 10 years and of course, the relation ship has grown into something more deeper, more meaningful because she deserves it, because she’s more then just the help around the house. She's family now.

V-day fell on a Thursday and the mid of the week is nothing special! So, here I got up at the same normal time and rushed to get ready to be in time for work, the usual one would say.

I didn’t expect anything great or anything close to different or special for V-day because well, I just didn’t.

But, in any contrasting case, this one turned out to be quite memorable.
I was given a Rose. First thing in the morn. A sweet Orange-Red rose, by my domestic help, with the most-genuine V-day wish that ever came my way. And the tightest of all hugs.

This didn’t just make my day, but her innocent thought, and her simple gesture made the day better than special in it’s own way. I smiled through out the day.

In a bigger way. In a warmer way.

There’s really no need for the flowers and the chocolate boxes and the fancy jewellery and etc when there’s the little things like this to make you feel loved. Truly loved.

Happy Valentine's Day.

I’m wondering if the true meaning that St. Valentine intended got lost on the way?

p.s: Happy Valentine's day!