Saturday, February 26, 2011

Down comes the rain

Down comes the rain, untimely October rain.
The tears slowly poured down my face as I walked home beneath the October rain,

The fears slowly let go of my pain, as I cried with my heart, cause my spirit was in disdain.

The gears of my life suddenly picked up great pace, as I vowed to love harder and again,

My heart grew numb, with a great big pain, I slowly try to let go… as I walk in the rain.

Look at the sky.. the stars in the night,

Look at me mother, the tears in my eyes,

I cry for you Father, cause you cant ever hold me tight,

The love that you gave me,

Gone with you this time.

I look at my dreams,

Down comes the rain,

I walk with my heart,

Trying to let go of the pain.

I seek a new light, A new spirit and life,

I’m happy to have loved, than to have not loved at all.

I stroll across the bridge,

I see kittens within my sight,

New born life’s, that’s the circle of life.

The rain pours down,

Drenching me and I try,

To let go of the pain,

That I’ve borne inside.

Down comes the rain,

Untimely October rain.

White light and stars,

Like tears in my eyes.

Forsaken love,

Like dew in morning light.

And again down comes the rain, untimely October rain.

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