Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Bag theory

Ever seen a woman without a handbag as her constant companion? If you have it’d have been a very one-off, rare occasion.
Women of every generation usually and mostly tend to and want to carry around a little or big thing called a handbag with them wherever they go, even if it’s for a walk… (Remember those small little bags where they put their phones and a few currency notes into)….?
I like bags; I am a woman, more of a girl. And the idea of a bag-less journey anywhere terrifies me. And I think most women are the’s like a biological “need” to carry one lip balm / other face-coloring items / some money / and a bunch of useless other things ALL the time.
I always wondered about this. Until I came upon one of my own theories. This bag-theory suggests that the SIZE of a woman’s bag could define the baggage (I don’t mean physical weight of the baggage) but mental and emotional baggage a woman carries around with her,
The bigger the bag, the bigger the emotional nonsense inside her and the smaller the bag, the smaller would be the size of her feelings of hate and regret and similar others.

Ideally then as per this theory: a completely “chilled out” woman would be one who doesn’t carry a bag, at all. Ever. Hmmm. Makes sense?
I would like to make this theory scientific, but, since I’m not a scientist I don’t think that’s quite possible.

This takes me to the subject of men. Since they don’t carry bags in general (unless they are students or office goers) does this theory apply to them? I mean, does it mean that they never have baggage of any kind (and I don’t mean physical bag here). A wallet – small bag – same thing?

No. Men don’t pass off as ones without baggage; I would like to think that there is another object around which their mental and emotional baggage content can be quantified. But I’d need some months of research for this and well, till then let’s just say that a bag a day keeps the "baggage" safe.

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