Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Facebook and Social Networking - Whose watching?

Just this other day , i was spending time with a friend , bringing in her birthday. The usual trend to "bring in" a birthday is to wait around till midnight of the night before the actual B-day... So, at around 11ish Pm , we all just sat around having a couple of drinks trying to stay up long enough to "bring it in".

Just around then was when little Miss Birthday girl got all excited about who all would have already wished her on her Facebook profile page! I mean, come on! What about the couple of her friends who actually waited around to be "present" with her as opposed to the hundred others on her friends list who just wished her - online? With one singular : Happy Birthday phrase!

But, to be honest is to accept the fact & reality that these days, the number of people wishing you on your social networking site's profile page plays a far more dearer role probably than the few friends who actually take the time to make you feel special by being around you on a special occasion.

Not only birthdays, these days, everything is public and on a profile page. Your anniversary. Your Husband's birthday, The day your dog was brought home, everything.
Life as we know it, is a profile page on a networking site.

The truth is, even if we reach the limit of a 1000+ "friends" or "connections" on any of these social network sites, in real life, hardly more than a few matter or care or bother.

But, humans , or all things living, have the tendency and the "want" to share their life with people even if some claim that they dont like the "attention". We are all attention seekers and we dont usually care about giving out as much attention as we would rather have...

Social beings = Human. Social Networking sites = Human's Life/Style.

I don't over-use my social site access. But, i dont under-use it either. It's got it's plus points, for instance, it's a great way to stay in touch with people overseas. Or people in other cities of the same country, It's also a nice way of knowing what the other people you know in general are doing professionally (and personally)..

Some people do get addicted to social networking. Some, have their moods and whims based on what's going on around their pages...
It's a funny thing to observe in people actually. But it's also a great feeling to see and observe how the world connects as one, or CAN connect as one on these sites.

Friends and Friends of Friends and Families and their Relatives. One can usually trace someone's entire social and non-social life through these sites.

Do we like to live life as an open book?
Most of us do. If we didn't, there really would'nt have been an IT boom at all...

Needless to say, little Miss Birthday girl spent the next few hours giving out generous "thank you's" to all the people who had wished her online.

Yes, at the end of it, it was the number of people who wished her that mattered most!

Probably just like you.

Or me.

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