Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The ones from MSN contribute

Between 2006/07, P.S. contributed some poetic art form online to msn's contributions for writers. Herebelow are 3 works from that category:
1-Just a little more
2-The world so big
3-A walk in the park

Just a little more
-Friday, November 23, 2007
As on MSN Contribute:

Just a little more,
Just a little bit more,
Come on now, don't count the score, just a bit little more.
Spread the word - the word of love,
Love who you are and not what you could be.
Cause if you do, there wouldn't be wars,
Wouldn't be doors, knocked on by beggars and more.
So just a little bit more,
Spread the word of love,
Love the people you see,
Cause without them, see, the point is, you wouldn't be.
This is one world. There should be one love.
Spread the word of love,
Come on now, just a little bit more.
The world so Big.
-Monday, July 30, 2007
As on MSN Contribute:

So much to do,
So much to see.
So many places to be.

So many people,
All these lives,
Days wear on,
I walk on by.

The world so big,
Comfort in this.

Although I’m alone,
I’m never really alone.

By myself not,
Cause there’s so much to do,
So much to see,
So many places to be.

The day starts here,
The night ends there,
Yet, I’m never alone.
The shield of the world.
So big,
Comfort in this.
Walk in the Park.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

This story has been read 438 times. On Msn India contribute Site:

A walk in the park,
Left to my thoughts in the dark,
A walk in the park,
Surrounded by flowers,
Under the stars,
With my flutterring heart,
A walk in the park,
In the center of nature's heart,
The warmth is the start,
Of new beginnings,
New Laughs,
Something as simple,
As a walk in the park,
Dew drops that spark,
New beginnings, new laughs,
Just a simple walk in the park,

1 comment:

  1. You write such uncluttered poetry. It's such a pleasure to read, really. Loved 'Walk in the park'. You should try to put it to a tune.
