Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why Rakhi Sawant's reality show on choosing a groom to marry was the 2nd most watched show on Indian Television

And here we have Rakhi Sawant doing it again.

Who is she really? Not a star kid. Not a heroin of any greatly acclaimed movie & not even an award winning actress. Neither an economist or academician. But still, a celebrity of sorts.

Rakhi Sawant was more of an item girl, the one who danced and gyrated to hindi music and maybe sometimes english too. She spoke and still speaks with a marathi based english accent, wears lots of make up and speaks her mind, freely.
She wasn't loved or adored by the media or fellow "actresses" alike.
However, her reality show in which she was to choose a groom amongst a prospective few turned out to be the 2nd most-watched tv series during the months of June/July '09 in India.
Why? No one even bothered to pay attention to the ramblings of this unknown before.
Well, the answer as to why she catapulted into a household name with fame is probably simple.
Marriage and a wedding and planning a wedding and having one in any family in typical India is not just a big thing, it's maybe,perhaps; the most-important scene a family "must" go through. Indian love weddings, are maybe even a tad bit obsessed with the concept of one.
One would have a father of a daughter start saving for his daughter's wedding from the time she was born!
However, in Rakhi Sawant's case & show, it was the dream of a girl, any girl , being shown live on real time TV.
As in, every girl, (it's quite a known fact), dreams of that perfect man, that perfect wedding, that perfect feeling of finally feeling like a well-loved princess.
Every girl, will open up to a fairy tale romance and whispered sweet nothings.

Cup the 2 points of this being any girl's dream + India being a country that loves weddings and marriages and you can somehow figure as to how & why the country gladly watched and paid "great" attention to her while she went through the series and spent time with each prospective groom before finally picking her Mr. Right.

Not only did the masses at large watch the show. They debated. Debated one prospective groom from the next. Debated about who Rakhi should and shouldn't choose and would and wouldn't choose.

The country gladly & unconsciously supported this girl's right to have a good match, her right to the near-perfect happy ending she so hoped & wished for, and morever, deserved.

Everyone deserves a chance at love.

On Sunday (August 2nd 2009), Rakhi Sawant, on live TV, in front of millions of indian viewers, smartly posed and chose who she thought best would fit into her Mr. Right concept. Eelesh, an NRI. I haven't researched on who he is and what he does for a living, i'd leave that alone, for now. This article is for Rakhi and her courage.
I don't and never did specifically admire her. Yes, she MAY be a tad bit pretty under all the make up she wears. Yes, agreed, she's just like another other girl out in the world looking for the same things you and i are. But, admiring someone takes alot more.
What i do know is that, according to me, a meagre writer, she's boldly and publicly hoped for a good life and has involved, unknowingly, every single one of us in her endeavour. She has, unknowingly MADE us care, MADE us watch and MADE us feel.

I would end this write-up by saying, her show has resulted in (most-probably) many young girls hoping that they too could, once, in some lifetime or some near day in their future, have a show wherein they starred with the aim of choosing the Right Prince for their fairy-tale journey.

p.s: I'm not one of them, i'm the by-stander who watches from a corner and writes about it all.

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