Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hair Cut

Sometimes, we find ourselves letting go. Letting go of ourselves, our inner feelings, to a point where we will ultimately rest numb, where we don't much care or bother about things around us, about ourselves. Life is anything but simple.
Try as you might to keep it simple.
A broken heart lies as an open wound. A failing relationship makes you stop thinking, Loss of loved ones tear you silly.

It's all in the game, the gamble that's life. The uncertainty of not knowing, of wanting to know but being unable to ascertain.

Amongst many, i found myself letting myself go. Waking to dreary days, to hopeless-ness, the will to fight, had almost but gone.

Sometimes, what we all really need is a boost of change, change in terms of scenery, people,days. Sometimes we just need a jolt of something else, something different than the usual to help get up, pick up what's left, and move forward if not completely on... yet.

A hair cut. Helps. Can help. Looking different, helps you feel different. When you look at a new look in a mirror, you feel like seeing potential, feel like being +ve, feel like smiling a little more and then you realize that you didn't remember the last time you really smiled or laughed out loud with sheer happiness.

Sometimes, a change in the way you dress helps oust the numbness into a sort of "almost there gladness".

Some of us, leave and start new lives somewhere else, to leave behind and forget the endurance of having gone through a hurtful experience.

A normal human reaction, is to curb a real reaction from the heart.
I was feeling a sort of numbness these past days, cause of various reasons that i'd probably enlist into another blog article, but, i got myself a new hair cut, hence a new me found me looking at herself in the mirror. Thinking: this is'nt that bad. If only, we could as simply cut out the complications of a life in general....

But no, we can't cause then we wouldn't want to move out of the "safe net" we build for ourselves. We can't cause then we wouldn't yearn to see things differently or experience newer avenues.

It's all about re-visiting your self that you sometimes forget about once in the maze of a daily life.

All about setting up plans, knowing they could change or not change, but willing to live it up anyway.

It's probably as simple as a new hair cut in the mirror. The shorter, longer aspects of it, don't matter really at the end of it. What matters is the way you cut it finally.