Friday, June 20, 2008

You can’t miss what you never had.

I wonder who said that? I’m not really sure, but I do know that it’s so not true.
One day, 2 years ago, there were 7 bomb blasts – a terrorist attack, in Mumbai.
One day, everything changed, for a few handfuls, one day – that day - I realized that life is not only unpredictable, but weirdly uncaring.

If you were to wake up one morning and know that it was your last day alive, what would you do? Sometimes being prepared for the worst helps to brace one’s self against the odd, but then, not knowing how, when, who, or why can sometimes make every bit of your existence seem like a grand waste.

When you strive, you tend to strive for the best, for what you never had, but want, for what you always yearned but never had.
And you tend to spend most of your waking hours aiming to get it, to reach it. – The Best.
No, you don’t try being the best, you try for the best.
But then, if one day, it all just suddenly ends, would you as a survivor pick up the pieces that were left and move on and strive forth or would you sink? Or, what if you were not the survivor but the victim. What would your last thoughts be?
Would you know how, when, who or why? Or would you think of how, when, who or why?

It’s oft said, every pro has a con.
I don’t think that’s true either.

What pray are the pros of being bombed apart? What pray are the pros of terrorism?

Life is suppose to be a gift, what if you enjoyed it to it’s fullest best, but one day, it were just snatched away from you, for no real valid reason. What would you think?

Life always moves on for even the lesser of us. Every day throws you into a new night, every dark night leads to new day light.
Inbuilt is the ability to just float on. Even if you’re not really there…. You can move. But how does a healing heart completely heal? Or does it?

Science won’t ever be able to make a medicine for this.
Creators of hi-technology won’t ever be able to find or programme a” software” to fix this.
The biggest business houses won’t ever be able to buy / acquire a “strategy” to solve this.

Because life doesn’t allow it.

Because, what’s suppose to be important, is, the everyday simple pleasures of life that we more oft than not tend to miss out on. The simple air we breathe, the simple heart beat of your new-born baby, the simple feeling of being appreciated no matter what and appreciating no matter what.

But, then, if you can’t miss what you never had, you can’t miss not doing the above.

Life moved on, but I didn’t. That’s what a healing heart is. And no one can really fix it.

When every thing around you reminds you of him, it’s hard to fly by the days you have left. Sure, you can relocate, start afresh and all of those… but, the thoughts / memories do remain.
Because, that’s life.

The people you care about will always leave an impression – if not long lasting, at least an impression on you.
And when they leave, the impression shall remain. Because that’s life.

There isn’t any real point in fighting that.
What can be fought though, is the real war.
Dedicated to the victims of the Mumbai train blasts of July 11, 2006.