Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Perfect is just a perception

When it comes to love, I can’t say that I am a believer of the way the concept is widely and wildly followed the world over. To me, love is a feeling which can come about when any 2 people spend quality time together. Try it. Lock 2 mismatched individuals in a room for days...and see for yourself. The chances of love growing is high.

It is a fact that only humans believe so strongly in love. Animals, don’t. People believe in the concept of soul mates and the ideal match. They keep looking for the right person to share their life with. Sometimes they spend their lives searching.

I have heard of several touching stories where a man or woman has had only that one main love in life. Someone who they considered to be their own. And who, in the event of their death, they found it difficult to live for the rest of their natural life. But, these are just touching stories. The belief I follow is that, if someone is willing to give you a chance and see the real you, love happens. It can happen when you don’t expect it. It happens when you least plan it. And if you allow yourself to see the concept in a different light, you will soon realize that it is not entirely possible to love different people for different things.

The search for the perfect someone makes you lonelier. No one is perfect. In fact, perfection is just a perception. What’s perfect in my eyes will never be a 100% perfect in yours.

Imagine a world where people really lived by this belief. There’d be lesser unhappy mortals suffering from the self-inflicted pains of feeling lonely.

The story of my life till now includes just 2 loves if I go by the book version of love. The first man, I loved for about 3 years of my life. The second, for 2 and a half. Neither of the relationships blossomed to turn into anything great. But, I got to know them and I enjoyed every day that I spent with them.

I married a completely different person eventually. He is unlike me in every way. But, it’s the understanding of each others dislikes and likes of life that make the relationship see another day. I don’t know if this will last forever. In the end, nothing does, because nothing can. But, it’s the time you have. With whoever you meet. That should be the essence of it all.

The point is, stop looking for perfection. Everyone is great. In their own way. If you only open your eyes wider to actually see it.